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ThinkMessenger Overview

In this article, we'll give you a high-level overview of the ThinkMessenger functionality and some ideas about how you can use ThinkMessenger to quickly, efficiently, and automatically communicate with your guests.

If your ThinkReservations account doesn't have ThinkMessenger enabled, please reach out to us, and we will be happy to get your account set up! You can read more about the process here: Getting Started with ThinkMessenger

Conversation Inbox

To view a list of your active conversations, start by navigating to Messenger, found in the dropdown menu under the ThinkReservations logo in the top left.

In the desktop view, you will see three columns. The leftmost column is your active conversation list. Here, you will see a list of all your active conversations with the most recent messages at the top. An unread message is noted with a blue dot on the left side.

When you select a conversation from the list on the left, it will open in the center column. Even when a conversation is archived, the messages are never deleted - you'll be able to view the full history of the conversation with this contact. In the top right corner of the page, click on the three blue dots to mark the selected message as unread or archive it. Archiving the message will remove it from the active conversations list - read more about this here: Archiving & Activating Conversations

The Situational Awareness column on the right provides context regarding the conversation. It will show records of the next check-in and last check-out for the contact associated with the conversation. You can click on the Conf ID to open the reservation.

If multiple contacts share a phone number, this column will first show a list of possible contacts. You can select one for situational awareness information, then click Back to return to the list. If you have sent a message manually to a phone number without associating a customer, the Situational Awareness column will remain blank.

Sending A Message

To send a message from a reservation, first click on the "New Conversation" button - a blue plus sign next to the customer name. This will open the existing conversation thread where you can view the message history with this customer.

To create a new conversation thread, navigate to Messenger from the dropdown menu in the top left, then click the blue plus sign at the top of the active conversations list. Next, search for a customer by name or phone number. Select the correct customer from the list of suggestions, then click the "Start Conversation" button in the top right.

If you are sending a message to a phone number that is not already associated with an existing customer profile, you can leave the top option selected. Note that you may be unable to send certain message templates without an associated customer. Read more about Message Templates here: Message Templates

In the center column of the messenger page, you will see the message bubble at the bottom. To send a message, simply type your draft in the box, and click the "Send" button.  

If your conversation is associated with a customer, you can also choose send any of your templates manually by clicking the "Choose template" button - the magic wand icon.

 In the dialogue box, select the template you would like to send.
If the template contains any personalized variables associated with a reservation, you will also have to select a reservation from the dropdown menu. Next, click the green Confirm button. Your template will appear in the conversation bubble. Review, make any desired modifications, then click "Send."

To add an internal note in the conversation thread, click the orange sticky note button to the left of the conversation bubble. This note will appear highlighted in yellow and will be visible to Messenger users but not sent to the customer. This may be useful in noting a request has been fulfilled when multiple staff members are using the Messaging feature at the same time.

Setting Up Messaging

This document includes a high level overview of the setup process. For a detailed step-by-step, read more here: Getting Started with ThinkMessenger

  1. Schedule a meeting with the ThinkReservations Onboarding Team to secure your text messaging phone number and get your account configured for messaging.
  2. Set up your Messaging Templates
  3. Set up your Survey Templates
  4. Set up your Message Rules for automated messaging
  5. Start using ThinkMessenger

Mobile App

You can also use the messaging feature on your mobile device! For instructions on how to download the ThinkReservations Progressive Web App, please review this support article:  Adding ThinkReservations to your mobile device as an app

The functionality is the same on mobile, with one minor difference in the appearance of the Messenger page. Each of the three columns will be its own page. You can navigate between the conversations list and an individual conversation by selecting it from the list and using the < arrow in the top left. You can navigate between your selected conversation and the Situational Awareness page by clicking the info symbol in the top right and the Back button in the top left.


We highly recommend enabling notifications for Messaging so that you never miss a guest correspondence. You can receive notifications on your desktop or mobile device. You'll find some high-level notes below, but for more detailed and device-specific information on Notifications, please refer to the support article: ThinkMessenger Notifications

Notifications are specific to each user within your account.

Every user who accesses Messaging will need to enable notifications within their own user login (even if they are on a device shared by other ThinkReservations users). 

Notifications are specific to each browser used to access Messaging.

Notifications must be enabled individually on each browser and device (even if the user has already enabled notifications on another device).

Example: a user may enable notifications within their log in on the desktop at work in the Google Chrome browser. This will not automatically enable notifications when that user is logged in on their mobile device. It will also not automatically enable notifications on the desktop computer at work for that user within other browsers (Safari, Mozilla Firefox, etc.) OR for other users who are using Google Chrome on the desktop computer at work (the other users need to enable their notifications separately within their own login). 

Enabling Notifications

On your desktop, ThinkMessenger leverages browser and system notifications. In whichever browser you are using, navigate to Messenger and click on the bell icon in the top left corner of the active conversations list. For more detailed instructions for each browser, review ThinkMessenger Notifications

Mobile Device

If you are using a mobile device and have not yet downloaded the ThinkReservations PWA (progressive web app), please first refer to our support article Adding ThinkReservations to your mobile device as an app.

What is a PWA?

A PWA (progressive web app) is a type of application software delivered through the web, as opposed to a native application which can be downloaded through the Apple/Google Play store. Notifications settings will vary by device operating system when using a PWA. iOS does not currently support push notifications for the ThinkReservations PWA. 

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